Monday, September 13, 2004

Stress and how to live to talk about it

The worst three weeks of my college career are past. I never thought I'd live to see the other side. After a two-year period since my copy editing class, the refresher was a killer. For those whose lives have never gone without a computer, learning the info graphics portion cold in a matter of days might not even result in breaking a sweat. For someone who grew up with a manual typewriter, however, the experience has been far from pleasant. Those who say their final semester of college is the easiest are not journalism majors. I'm slightly more relaxed now that we're in actual production of the j-school newspaper. The work of the past three weeks, I would argue, must be harder than the job of writer or editor in the workplace. A restful night's sleep has been foreign to me until the past few evenings. Thank goodness--my gray hairs were going white.


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